About Alex

Owner of KO Welding Tables

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Born and raised in the little beachside town of Ocean Grove, Victoria, I’ve always loved the process of creating and building something with my hands. Welding and metal fabrication grabbed my interests during high school as it was the perfect blend of building something with endless possibilities.


With over a decade of full-time experience as a fabricator, my journey in the world of welding began right after trades school. My earlier years saw me navigating the landscapes of structural steel, manufacturing, and diverse fabrication workshops. At my most recent full-time position, I was entrusted with high-quality custom fabrication tasks, honing my skills on materials ranging from stainless to aluminium, using a blend of 70% TIG, 20% MIG and 10% MMA processes.


In 2018, identifying the need for a more streamlined avenue for welders to access quality supplies, I founded “KO Welding Supplies”. What began as a mere idea blossomed into a thriving enterprise, catering to fabricators across Australia and New Zealand.

By 2021, my innovative spirit led me to another realisation: the Australian welding community needed a superior, locally-sourced welding table. To ensure the best quality, we took a unique approach. We didn’t just develop a prototype; we embedded it into our daily fabrication routine. After a year of rigorous real-world testing, the results spoke for themselves. The precision, durability, and modular design of our KO Welding table stood unparalleled. Our work became more accurate, faster, and efficient.

Engaging with local fabricators, we recognised the diverse needs of the community. So rather than offering a limited product range, we decided to give our customers flexibility and custom options. At koweldingtables.com.au, not only do we provide customisable welding tables and accessories, but we also ensure transparency in pricing, enabling welders to receive instant quotes.

Demand for our tables has been unreal! With the help of my wife, and a selected few employees we’ve been working tirelessly to serve all of our customers around Australia. We love to provide that good old fashioned service that you can only get from a local business that cares. Everyone from big names like Sanitarium and MPW Performance, through to the weekend welders needing a table for their garage, we’ve become an integral part of the Australian welding community.


Today, powered by dedication, innovation, and the constant pursuit of perfection, the KO team and I stand at the forefront of welding excellence, committed to providing tailored solutions for every fabricator’s unique needs.